The Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry hired Content First to prepare a detailed report, U.S. Aerospace and Aviation Industry: A State-by-State Analysis, on the economic importance of the aerospace and aviation industry to the U.S. economy. Content First:
- created an aerospace and aviation industry definition
- analyzed the best and most comprehensive data source available
- synthesized labor market information on employment, wages, payroll, and establishments for the aerospace and aviation industry
- produced a study on the economic impact of the aerospace and aviation industry at the national and state level
- presented the information in a comprehensive, yet easy-to-understand format
Client Benefits
This example illustrates how Content First produced a comprehensive industry report for our client in a format that made it accessible to all.
The Commission on the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry used the report to understand the economic impact of the aerospace and aviation industry nationally and on all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The Commission used the report in executive branch policy briefings, congressional meetings, presentations to local communities, and in educating the media.
The easy-to-use format made the information accessible to all, including:
- The White House
- The U.S. Congress
- The Aerospace and Aviation Community
- The Press
- The Public